Odisea (Mar 2017)
George Moore: la pasión francesa
Resumen: Nuestro propósito con este trabajo es dar a conocer la obra del autor irlandés George Moore. Hablaremos de la influencia que tuvo Francia, los pintores impresionistas y escritores franceses de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX en su carrera de escritor. Tomaremos como análisis de estudio su libro de memorias Confessions d´un jeune anglais (1986) ya que dicha autobiografía es un el retrato del espectáculo que se vivía en París durante aquellos años. Sigamos a ese joven por las calles de Montmartre, véamoslo discutir de pintura con Manet y Renoir, oigámosle compartir ideas con Zola y Verlaine… Palabras clave: Francia, pasión, Montmartre, pintura, literatura. Title in English: George Moore: The French Passion. Abstract: Our aim with this piece is to introduce the work of the Irish author George Moore. We will speak of the influence which France, the impressionist painters, and the French writers from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, all had on his career as a writer. For research purposes we have chosen his memoirs Confessions d´un jeune anglais (1986) as this autobiography is a true portrayal of the artistic life which was experienced in Paris in those years. We follow this young man through the streets of Montmartre, we see him discuss painting with Manet and Renoir, we hear him share ideas with Zola and Verlaine…. Keywords: France, passion, Montmartre, painting, literature.