Âderna Fìzika ta Energetika (Sep 2010)
Isotopic effects in elastic and inelastic 12,13C + 16,18O scattering
New angular-distribution data of 13С + 18О elastic and inelastic scattering at the energy Elab(18O) = 105 MeV were obtained for the transitions to the ground and excited states 3.088 MeV(1/2+), 3.555 MeV (1/2-), 3.854 MeV (5/2+) of 13С and 1.982 MeV (2+), 3.555 MeV (4+), 3.921 MeV (2+), 4.456 MeV (1-), 5.098 MeV (3-), 5.260 MeV (2+) of 18O. These and the 13С + 18О elastic scattering data taken from the literature at the energies Elab(18O) = 15, 20, 24, 31 MeV and Elab(13С) = 24 MeV were analysed within the optical model and coupled-reaction-channels methods. Sets of 13С + 18О optical potential parameters and their energy dependence were obtained. Contributions of potential scattering and transfer reactions to the elastic and inelastic channels of 13С + 18О scattering were studied. Isotopic differences (effects) in 12, 13С + 16, 18О optical potential parameters were investigated.