Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices (Dec 2015)
In this article is analyzed the problem of person formation in bilingual families in condition of multilingualism of Moldova. Educational policy helps in development of bilingual personality in families and institutions of education. Psychological - pedagogical side of personal socialization was analyzed, and also its preparing for multicultural life.In the article is appreciated the situation of personal development in Republic of Moldova, in particular Romanian - Russian bilinguals, inherited from previous ages. There is discussed about the fast changes, when our state started to develop in that way to declare independence. This event led to competition between the right and left political side. There is indicated on removement of monolingual national idea, this made the country to be divided into two coasts on Dniester River.In this article is showed the relation in formation and self-realization of bilingual and bicultural personality, in special circumstances, there are shown problems and ways of its resolving. Dates are recommended to bilingual families and educational institutions; in education of children in conditions of Romanian - Russian bilinguals.