Nature Environment and Pollution Technology (Sep 2021)
Successive Saccharification of Waste Paper as a Resource for Bio-product Development
Environmental pollution and the exploitation of fossil-based products are topical issues that should be a matter of concern to the global population. The production of bio-based substances from waste biomass is a way to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and limit environmental pollution. Enzymatic catalysed saccharification of cellulose is an important step for the bio-conversion of biomass such as waste paper into glucose that could be utilized as a feedstock for the production of value added bioproducts and this process can also be considered as an alternative route of waste management. During this study, fresh cellulase enzyme from Trichoderma viride was incubated separately with seven different waste paper materials during twelve successive incubation periods of 2 h each. The amount of sugar released from each paper material during each incubation period was determined. The highest sugar concentration released from each paper materials was produced during the first incubation period except the filter paper for which the highest amount of sugar was produced during the 9th period of incubation. During these optimum sugar producing incubation periods the highest total sugar concentration was released from brown envelope paper (3.3 mg.mL-1 followed by foolscap paper (3.0 mg.mL-1) and office paper (2.8 mg.mL-1) while the lowest amount of sugar was released from Pick ’n Pay paper (0.6 mg.mL-1). The relative saccharification percentage was also calculated which showed that filter paper produced the highest amounts of sugar followed by newspaper, and foolscap paper with advertising paper from a retailer. Pick ’n Pay offered the highest resistance towards cellulase catalysed bio-conversion into sugar.