Ain Shams Engineering Journal (May 2024)
Simulation of natural convection of nanofluid inside a square cavity using experimental data by lattice Boltzmann method
The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is one of the suggested numerical approaches that has been shown to accurately estimate the increase in heat transfer caused by nanofluids. Several approaches to the prediction of the characteristics of nanofluids are investigated, and it is shown to what degree the classical models are accurate representations of the experimental data. The first thing that was done in this study was to explain the thermophysical parameters of the Ethylene Glycol (EG)-iron nanofluid that was employed. The effect of the Rayleigh number, the volume fraction of nanoparticles (φ), and the cavity angle (θ) on the isotherms and the average Nusselt number (Nuavg) are investigated. Finally, the effect of the adiabatic fin on the flow is investigated, and it is demonstrated in which scenario the adiabatic vane will be the most effective. The findings demonstrate that raising the Rayleigh number to 105 and 106 causes the heat to be transferred under the adiabatic fin. This finding suggests that the buoyancy force has a stronger influence on the heat transfer process when it is carried out close to the source of the cold. In general, if the Rayleigh number is increased, the rate of heat transfer in the fluid will rise as well. The Nu avg is increased by 44 % when the Ra number is increased from 103 to 105, and it is increased by 118 % when the Ra number is increased from 105 to 106. The chances of heat entering the cold source are reduced when the adiabatic fin is longer and situated lower. There is a wider cold zone within the hollow when Lf = 80 and Hf = 20, indicating that less heat is entering the cold source.