Slovenian Veterinary Research (Jun 2022)
Abstract: Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) notifiable, economically important transboundary, highly contagious, and an acute viral disease of small ruminants. The disease is caused by the PPR virus (PPRV). PPRV belongs to the genus Morbillivirus of the family Paramyxoviridae. The recent epidemiological and molecular characterization of PPR virus isolates subdivides them into four genetically distinct lineages (I, II, III and IV). The disease is endemic across Asia, the Middle East and African regions and is considered a major obstacle to the development of sustainable agriculture across the developing world due to its huge burden on the economy and development of the affected countries and has recently been targeted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the OIE for global eradication by 2030. PPR-endemic countries should join the regional force, and implement regional road maps for the progressive and successful control and elimination of PPRV. In this review, the regional epidemiology of PPR outbreaks and associated risk factors, including animal factors (age, species and sex), environmental factors (season, spatial distribution of disease in various locations) and trade associated factors with special reference to the PPR affected countries in South, Central and East Asia are comprehensively discussed. Key words: epidemiology; PPR-virus; risk factors; control; eradication; Asia REGIONALNA EPIDEMIOLOGIJA IN Z NJO POVEZANI DEJAVNIKI TVEGANJA ZA KUGO DROBNICE V AZIJI – PREGLED Izvleček: Kuga drobnice (angl., Peste des petits ruminants, PPR) je gospodarsko pomembna, čezmejno nevarna, visoko nalezljiva, akutna virusna bolezen drobnice, ki jo je potrebno prijaviti Svetovni organizaciji za zdravje živali (OIE). Bolezen povzroča virus PPR (PPRV). PPRV spada v rod virusov Morbillivirus iz družine Paramyxoviridae. Nedavna epidemiološka in molekularna karakterizacija izolatov virusa PPRV deli izolate na štiri genetsko različne linije (I, II, III in IV). Bolezen je endemična v Aziji, na bližnjem vzhodu in v Afriki. Zaradi močnega bremena za gospodarstvo in razvoj prizadetih držav velja za glavno oviro pri razvoju trajnostnega kmetijstva v državah v razvoju. Organizacija Združenih narodov za prehrano in kmetijstvo (FAO) in OIE sta nedavno določili, da je bolezen potrebno do leta 2030 izkoreniniti po vsem svetu. Države z endemijo PPR bi se morale pridružiti regionalnim silam in izvajati regionalne načrte za postopen in uspešen nadzor in izkoreninjenje PPRV. V tem pregledu so izčrpno obravnavani regionalna epidemiologija izbruhov PPR in povezani dejavniki tveganja, vključno z dejavniki živali (starost, vrsta in spol), okolja (letni čas, prostorska razširjenost bolezni na različnih lokacijah) in trgovine, s posebnim poudarkom na državah s PPR v južni, osrednji in vzhodni Aziji. Ključne besede: epidemiologija; virus PPR; dejavniki tveganja; nadzor; izkoreninjenje; Azija