Hortus Botanicus (Dec 2021)
The role of introduction in the processes of anthropogenic transformation of the flora of the Pripyat Polesje
The role of introduction in the processes of anthropogenic transformation of flora of one of the most important natural regions of the southern part of Belarus, which is Pripyat Polesje, is shown for the first time. A group of ergaziophygophytes, represented by previously cultivated introduced species, who "escaped" from culture and naturalized, has been identified. It includes 275 species, 108 of which (epecophytes and agriophytes) are included in the stable component of the adventive fraction of the flora. The importance of ergaziophygophytes in the addition of the most important indicators of anthropogenic transformation of flora: the flora adventitization index (30.95 %), flora synanthropization index (30.00 %), flora synanthropization coefficient (15.57 %), as well as in the transformation of the taxonomic spectrum of leading types of families. It has been established that 28 invasive species of the Pripyat Polesje flora (56.00 % of their total number) are ergaziophygophytes.