Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія Економіка (Jun 2020)
The Current Situation and World Trends of Green Energy Development
The relevance of the paper lies in the development of “green energy” as an increase in the energy efficiency of the global economy of the country. The main drivers of new capacities are the disposal of old, less efficient fossil fuel units. Low natural gas prices and favourable renewable energy costs make natural gas and renewable energy sources the main sources of new generation capacity by 2050. The main purpose of the paper is to highlight the main problems of the Ukrainian electricity market, analyse the process of popularising green energy, highlight cases when switching to alternative sources is a profitable process in conditions of uncertainty and rising prices for conventional energy carriers. The paper uses general scientific and specific research methods, in particular, methods of analysis and synthesis, scientific deduction and induction. The paper analysed in detail the current state of energy in Ukraine, developed proposals for improving the regulation of alternative energy at the state level and for popularising green energy in Ukraine. It has been established that alternative energy sources can also be more profitable than conventional energy sources. Alternative energy and conventional energy carriers were comprehensively studied. In addition, favourable economic conditions have been identified for the construction of alternative energy facilities and the development of a “green” economy, which in the future will ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine