Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Общественные науки (Mar 2020)
Background. The relationship between the social well-being and socio-economic situation of the population of the region is one of the key indicators of the quality of life of people. At the same time, within the framework of the paradigm of “happiness economy”, indicators of social well-being and socio-economic situation of the population may be influenced by a more complex set of factors. The wealth or poverty of the population, the level of GDP and GRP may not directly affect the subjective feeling of satisfaction with their social situation, but the stress and processing that arise can temporarily improve the material situation of the individual, but eventually lead to fracking, depressive states. The study analysed the social well-being of the inhabitants of the provincial regions, as well as revealed the interdependence of this indicator from the economic development of the region and the economic wellbeing of the population. At the same time, the social well-being of the population of the region has a direct impact on the processes of internal migration, the level of confidence of residents in the executive authorities, the development of social and economic mobility and socio-demographic processes. The aim of the study was to solve the following tasks: to determine the social well-being of the inhabitants of the region through mass and expert sociological research; analysis of statistical information on the socio-economic development of the region. Materials and methods. In order to achieve this goal, the study used mass quantitative studies of social well-being (n = 375), statistical analysis of economic indicators of development of the region and carrying out correlation-regression analysis based on calculation of correlation coefficient, formation of regression equation, tcriterion of Student. These methods best characterize the relationship between the social well-being of the population and the economic development of the region. A review of secondary information was also carried out: works of domestic and foreign specialists and scientists, materials of international, All-Russian, regional scientific and practical conferences reflecting the problems of the relationship between the social well-being of residents and socio-economic indicators of the standard of living of the population of the provincial region. Results. Based on the results of the study, a high level of dependence of the social well-being of the inhabitants of the region on economic indicators and economic well-being was revealed, which may be a typical phenomenon for provincial cities of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. The analysis concluded that the general high level of poverty, the limited labour market, low social mobility lead to the fact that the social well-being of the inhabitants of the region is largely related to the level of material well-being, rather than satisfaction with the conditions of education, self-realization, ecology.