Alicante-Winter Immunology Symposium in Health (A-Wish) and the Boulle-SEI awards: A collaboration between the Spanish Society for immunology, the University of Alicante and the Jean Boulle Group to honor the Balmis Expedition
Jordi Ochando,
Carmen Camara,
Leighton Durham,
Jose Miguel Sempere,
Marcos Lopez-Hoyos
Jordi Ochando
Corresponding author.; Immunology Reference Laboratory, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, 28220, Spain
Carmen Camara
Department of Immunology, Hospital La Paz, Madrid, 28046, Spain
Leighton Durham
Trained Therapeutix Discovery, L2449, Luxembourg
Jose Miguel Sempere
Department of Biotechnology, University of Alicante, Alicante, 03080, Spain
Marcos Lopez-Hoyos
Department of Immunology, Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla-IDIVAL, Santander, 39008, Spain