Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan (May 2021)
Internalisasi Nilai Anti Korupsi dengan Model Nampe Guna Meningkatkan Perilaku Anti Korupsi Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas PGRI Madiun
The purpose of this study is to improve the anti-corruption behavior of students of the Informatics Engineering Study Program at the Universitas PGRI Madiun through the internalization of anti-corruption values with the Nampe Model. The research was Classroom Action Research. Data were collected qualitatively by using observation, tests, and non-tests, while the data analysis used descriptive statistics. Based on the research carried out for two cycles, it was found that the anticorruption behavior of students increased after internalizing the anti-corruption values with the Nampe Model. This increase is shown by the assessment of anti-corruption behavior in pre-cycle at 30.4%, increased to 62.2% in cycle 1 and at 78.2% in cycle 2. The average value of all domains also increases, such as; (a) affective domain in pre-cycle at 59.1, cycle 1 at 65.5, and cycle 2 at 75.5 (b) cognitive domain in pre-cycle at 78.9, cycle 1 at 82.4, cycle 2 at 85, 4, (c) psychomotor domain in pre-cycle at 62.44, cycle 1 at 66, cycle 2 at 75.6. The increase in anti-corruption behavior is also shown by the average score of the anti-corruption component in pre-cycle at 62.4, cycle 1 at 66.4, and cycle 2 at 77.1.