Revista de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Jun 2018)

Scientifical production trends about primary health care acessment

  • José Carlos Anziliero Amaral,
  • Teresinha Heck Weiller,
  • Rafaela Souza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2
pp. 410 – 419


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Aim: to analyze the trend of Brazilian scientific production on assessment in primary health care. Method: narrative research based on dissertations and theses from different post graduation programs and made available on the bank of theses and dissertations portal of Personnel Improvement Coordination of Superior Level, in May 2015. Results: the search was conducted by the use of the keywords "assessment in primary health care", obtaining 292 results. From this sample, 81 studies were selected after thematic analysis, developing the categorization based on the similarity between the studies. Final Remarks: the present study showed that assessments in primary health care were developed from systematized and validated tools and are focused on the observation of one or more key attributes of primary care (attention at first contact, continuity or longitudinality, completeness and coordination).
