Музыкальное искусство и образование (Sep 2020)
Prerequisites for Formation and the Main Stages of Development Eduard Borisovich Abdullin’s Scientific School
The article gives a very concise description of Eduard Borisovich Abdullin’s activity as a recognized leader of the Russian musical and pedagogical community, who considered the main task of his life to improve the system of musical and pedagogical as well as general education in Russia at all levels, without exception. It is shown, that Eduard Borisovich’s path to the pedagogy of music education was like Fate itself. As confirmation, the main historical milestones in his life that contributed to his formation as a musician, teacher, scientist, and founder of the scientific school “Methodology of pedagogy of music education” are revealed. The process of its origin, becoming, formation and further development is traced. It is emphasized that it meets all the criteria that can be attributed to genuine scientific school. Special attention is paid to identifying the specifics of Eduard Borisovich’s scientific school, which consists of: a) a unified research program for improving the methodological training of musicians-teachers in higher educational institutions of the country, b) the implementation of methodological analysis as a scientific tool for research activities of musicians-teachers; c) its three-tier orientation: to perform scientific and educational functions of educating scientists; on creative and constructive activity conducive to the development of the national system of general and music-pedagogical education; on the development of a fundamentally new scientific direction in the pedagogy of music education, which has not only a national but an international character. The data testifying to its international recognition are given.