Symmetry (Jan 2022)

On the Optimality of the LR Test for Mediation

  • Kees Jan Van Garderen,
  • Noud Van Giersbergen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 1
p. 178


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Testing for mediation, or indirect effects, is empirically very important in many disciplines. It has two obvious symmetries that the testing procedure should be invariant to. The ordered absolute t-statistics from two ordinary regressions are maximal invariant under the associated groups of transformations. Sobel’s (1982) Wald-type and the LR test statistic are both functions of this maximal invariant and satisfy two logical coherence requirements: (1) size coherence: rejection at level α implies rejection at all higher significance levels; and (2) information coherence: more (less) evidence against the null implies continued (non) rejection of the null. The LR test statistic is simply the smallest of the two absolute t-statistics, and we show that the LR test is the Uniformly Most Powerful (information and size) Coherent Invariant (UMPCI) test. In short: the LR test for mediation is simple and best.
