Education Policy Analysis Archives (Dec 2009)

The world-system of academic capitalism: Process of consolidation of the entrepeneurial university El sistema-mundo del capitalismo académico: procesos de consolidación de la universidad emprendedora

  • Eduardo Fernández

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17
p. 21


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<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;">The goal of this article is to analyze two institutional contexts in which academic communities develop their educational activities: the enterprising university and academic capitalism. The methodology of analysis of Higher Education institutions in the world system uses the model developed by the sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein. This analysis focuses on three dimensions: the "consolidation of the world-economy of the academic capitalism" (the transformation of higher education as a commodity), the "de-capitalization of the public university" (the new policies of quasi-market and of financing associated with the "entrepreneurial university") and "geoculture of the system-world of the academic capitalism," linked to the society of the knowledge, managerial ideologies, and intellectual entrepreneurship, but also to counter-hegemonic ideologies that supports the autonomy of the university as a pre-condition for social development.</span> <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;">Este trabajo reflexiona respecto de dos contextos institucionales que enmarcan la investigaci&oacute;n y la actividad docente universitaria: la universidad emprendedora y el capitalismo acad&eacute;mico. La metodolog&iacute;a de an&aacute;lisis utilizada parte del an&aacute;lisis de los sistemas-mundo del soci&oacute;logo Immanuel Wallerstein, y describe el funcionamiento de las instituciones de Educaci&oacute;n Superior en el marco general de un sistema mundial de capitalismo acad&eacute;mico. El an&aacute;lisis se centra en tres dimensiones: la "consolidaci&oacute;n de la econom&iacute;a-mundo del capitalismo acad&eacute;mico" (es decir, la transformaci&oacute;n de la educaci&oacute;n superior en un mercado), la &laquo;descapitalizaci&oacute;n de la universidad p&uacute;blica&raquo; (las nuevas pol&iacute;ticas de cuasi-mercado y de financiamiento asociados con la "universidad emprendedora") y la "geocultura del sistema-mundo del capitalismo acad&eacute;mico", vinculada a la sociedad del conocimiento, la ideolog&iacute;a empresarial y al intelectual emprendedor, pero tambi&eacute;n a otras ideolog&iacute;as contraheg&eacute;monicas o de quienes mantienen una defensa de la autonom&iacute;a universitaria como condici&oacute;n para el desarrollo social.<br />Palabras clave: capitalismo acad&eacute;mico; pol&iacute;ticas de educaci&oacute;n superior; reformas educativas.</span>
