Plural (Jun 2020)
"Differentiated journeys"
This article question generic homogenising representations of ‘the migrant’ by providing an examination of the multivalent ways in which social differences contours migration processes. Migration scholars often reproduce generic homogenising typologies of ‘migrants’, such as the two opposing migrant analogies ‘from the Global South’ (‘the transnational migrant’, who flows through social networks from the Global South to the developed North, seeking economic gains) and ‘from the Global North’ (‘the lifestyle migrant’, who chooses to migrate from developed countries to places they believe offers them the potential of a better quality of life). Through the examination of the journeys of Brazilians in London, this article draws attention to the connections and contexts of both sending and receiving societies, as well as the diversity existing within the Brazilian population abroad. As is argued within this paper, such an analysis allows for better understanding of how the experiences of Brazilians in London are directly shaped by the intersection of multiple social markers, resulting in what I call ‘differentiated journeys’. Brazilians navigate different levels of constraints and constantly re-formulate their journeys due to their class, gender, nationality and documental status. This allow us to frame migratory experiences beyond generalizing and homogenising representations. The empirical research combines an 18-month ethnography in places of leisure with 33 in-depth interviews with Brazilians in London.