GeoSport for Society (Oct 2021)

Study regarding the development process of motor qualities endurance and strength in physical education lessons during the pandemic period

  • Ioan Sabin SOPA,
  • Marcel POMOHACI

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 2
pp. 101 – 109


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In 2020, everybody’s life was affected by the general crisis generated by the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. The educational system suffered from the transition from face-to-face learning to online learning, and every activity transformed their curricula from living to online. For Physical Education activity, the process was complicated; being a principal practical activity, the online system was not such a generous field for this domain. Our study focused on the effects of the pandemic crisis on the activity of Physical Education students from Sibiu city and how teachers managed to overcome the online difficulties of teaching. As a research method, the questionnaire of opinions was used with ten items and a scale of five levels (starting from 1 that was total disagreement to 5 that was a total agreement with the affirmation). The research subjects were 35 teachers from Sibiu city (age between 22 and 45 years old, 13 females and 22 males), with different experience in the Physical Education domain. The questionnaire results showed that teachers had difficulties in the teaching-learning process during the Pandemic; students’ physical condition and health were also affected. Other conclusions highlighted the idea that the endurance and strength of children were reduced due to physical inactivity. Also, the assessing process in physical education classes was complicated. The last conclusion was that most teachers consider that physical education lessons can contribute decisively to the post-pandemic health of students and can be decisive in the harmonious physical development of students and their optimal level of health.
