SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (Oct 2006)
The dimensionality of the general work stress scale: A hierarchical exploratory factor analysis
This study examined the dimensionality or factor structure of the General Work Stress Scale (GWSS), which is a brief measure of subjectively experienced or felt work stress. The responses of two independent groups of adult workers were subjected to maximum likelihood factor analysis. In both groups a three factor solution provided the best fit with the data. A higher order factor analysis with an orthogonal Schmid-Leiman transformation showed that in both groups, responses to the items are dominated by a general factor, which might be labelled General Work Stress. Three minor group factors were identified: a motivational factor reflected by a desire to leave the organisation, an affective factor reflected by a tendency to worry, and a cognitive factor reflected by concentration and attentional difficulties. Overall, the results provide support for the construct validity of the GWSS as a measure of subjectively experienced work stress.