European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Oct 2019)
Addendum to: A theoretical study of top-mass measurements at the LHC using NLO+PS generators of increasing accuracy
Abstract This paper is a follow-up of Ref. Ferrario Ravasio et al. (Eur Phys J C 78:458, 2018. arXiv:1801.03944), where we studied the impact of next-to-leading order calculations merged with parton shower generators (NLO+PS) of increasing accuracy in the extraction of the top mass at hadron colliders. Here we examined results obtained with the older (fortran-based) shower generators Pythia6.4 and Herwig6.5. Our findings are in line with what we found in Ref. Ferrario Ravasio et al. (2018) with the new, c++-based, generators Pythia8.2 and Herwig7.1.