Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (Aug 2017)
Ore geology problems and the human factor. Part 1. Mineral-petrochemic zoning of the nearvveins metasomatic aureoles in the mesothermal gold deposits: theory, experiment, nature
The relevance of the research. In reconstruction of gold, coloured metals, uranium deposits formation there are the problems which have not been solved up to now. The evident necessity in correct solutions of these problems for deepening - developing - hydrothermal ore-formation theory and improving the forecast-prospecting criteria mineralization complexes encourages the search and elimination of objective and possible subjective reasons leading to endless discussions justified before by shortage of data but which became more intelligible as much as new knowledge accumulation. The main aim of the research. To develop the discrepancies reasons identical to the natural processes of their reconstruction and elimination of the reasons, estimated by the author as subjective ones, the author suggests and discusses the known before and authorsґ solutions of the following key debatable ore geology problems: 1) problem of near-ore metasomatic zoning formation in its near-vein (near-fracture) version; 2) problem of gold sources concentrated in ores among crystalline substratum and black shales; 3) problem of formation of mesothermal gold deposits leading to magmatism and metamorphism; 4) problem of formational typization of hard useful mineral deposits as means of realization of the objective priority inductive method of ore-formation understanding in combining with the deductive one. The methods of the research. To solve each problem the author: 1) analyzed the existing ideas for appraisal of their conformity to contemporary data; 2) introduces the authorґs materials, suggested for substantiation of the problems correct solutions, and they are discussed. The results of the research. In solution of the first problem by means of the results analyses of mineral-petrochemical study of the beresite metasomatic formation zone columns, formed in plutonic and volcanic, metamorphic, sedimentary, including black shales, rocks in nineteen gold mesothermal deposits of Siberian craton south mountine-folded frame and other regions it is explained the non-conformity of the following from the D.S. Korzhinsky metasomatic zoning theory model to natural metasomatic columns - the monomineral rear zone prescribed by the theory is not formed. In rear zone the mineral number is comparable with mineral number in other zones, including that in initial rocks. Polymineral composition of the rear zone of the metasomatic columns is caused by migration of the petrogenous components, proved by balance calculations, - their counter diffusion from fracture solutions to pore solutions of side rocks and from pore solutions to fracture solutions as well as by portioning mode of the injection of metal