OncoImmunology (Jan 2020)
Tropomyosin autoantibodies associated with checkpoint inhibitor myositis
This brief report details the measurement and identification of IgA antibodies to tropomyosin in a case of presumed ocular myositis with paraspinal myositis in a patient with metastatic uveal melanoma treated with checkpoint inhibitors. High-throughput functional protein microarray analysis and pathway analysis was conducted to identify IgG and IgA antibodies of interest. Antibody levels were compared to generic antibody screening results and levels of the antibodies in a cohort of melanoma patients without myositis (n = 100) at baseline prior to undergoing immunotherapy. The finding of specific muscle antibodies in this clinical case indicates the pathogenic potential of anti-tropomyosin IgA in the development of checkpoint inhibitor associated myositis and requires further investigation.