Zero-a-seis (May 2017)

About the curricular organization of Early Childhood Education: conversations with teachers based on the National Curricular Guidelines

  • Luciana Esmeralda Ostetto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 35
pp. 46 – 68


Read online The article presents a new perception of the curricular organization of early childhood education based on the National Curricular Guidelines. In fact, this idea was created from a dialogue among professors in an extension course at Alagoas Federal University (Universidade Federal de Alagoas). In addition, it is also analyzed assumptions and bases are identified for the implementation of this new view. The paper also delineates understandings and consequences on the ethical, political and aesthetic principles announced in the 2009 document and highlights the importance of the construction of the pedagogical political project (pedagogical proposal) in the institutions of early childhood education. Actually, it is suggested hypotheses for expressive languages in the daily life of the educational system outlining senses and meanings on the axes guiding curriculum. Finally, it is observed the necessity in expanding the teacher's sensitivity, for example, in the rescue of her playing with children, her expression, her languages and her enchantment. All these elements are crucial for any proposal of early childhood education to achieve success in the socially referenced quality of children’s care from zero to five years old.
