Prostranstvennaâ Èkonomika (Dec 2017)
Seaports of Khabarovsk Krai as the Poles of Economic Growth
The article studies the formation of growth pole based in Vanino – Sovetskaya Gavan. It demonstrates the theoretical-methodological platform used during the analysis of conditions of forming the seaport as a pole of economic growth in a region. The conditions in which the task can be accomplished are the following: decreasing the share of expenses on transshipment and increasing the distance of transportation as the port develops technologically; increasing the volumes of transshipments with large added value; the prevalence of transport and logistical services’ share over transshipment services’ share in the overall income received by the port. The author determines the volume and structure of current and prospective cargo base in Vanino – Sovetskaya Gavan port, emphasizing the cargo generated in Khabarovsk Krai economy. Based on the scenario approach the study predicts economic effects localized on three levels (the territory near the port, the port region itself and other regions). The conclusion is that with conditions and limitations taken into account Vanino – Sovetskaya Gavan port cannot be seen as a growth pole of Khabarovsk Krai economy. A large part of economic effect ‘settles’ in regions outside Khabarovsk Krai. Vanino-Sovetskaya Gavan seaport can only be viewed as a growth pole in case of strengthening the connection with the port region through placement of industrial enterprises, logistical centers and developed information technologies near port, which would allow for supply of services with large added value