Problemi Ekonomiki (Dec 2018)
Digital Transformation of Entrepreneurship in the Context of Implementing the Concept of Industry 4.0
The processes of formation and development of the digital economy and the direction of digital transformation of enterprises in the context of the fourth industrial revolution are investigated. There highlighted trends in the development of the digital economy, in particular, an increase in the share of the digital economy in all countries of the G20 and uneven digitalization of these economies, as evidenced by its different volume — from 1.5 % to 12.4 % — in the structure of GDP of the countries. The volume of retail trade in the field of e-commerce and the number of “digital” customers in the world is analyzed, which made it possible to conclude about the positive trends in the development of e-commerce in the global economy. Digital technologies and products are defined as innovative trends of the current socio-economic environment; approach to their systematization is proposed. The essence and potential of effective and consistent implementation of the concept of Industry 4.0 are revealed. The key role of digital transformations in implementing the concept of Industry 4.0 is disclosed. There used an example of the Mironovsky Khleboprodukt group of companies, which have reoriented their competitive strategy towards digital transformation, integration of digital technologies into agro-industrial production processes. Startups are considered as a tool to meet the innovative needs of enterprises in the field of digital transformation. Examples of startups in the field of digital transformation of agro-industrial production are given.