Chrétiens et Sociétés (Mar 2021)

« Soit de bon cœur, soit par grimace » : l’élection de Dom Calmet à l’abbatiat de Senones(9 juillet 1728)

  • Julien Reny

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27
pp. 87 – 100


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In recent years, religious elections have been the subject of a historiographical revival. The aim here is to study the election of Dom Calmet to the abbacy of Senones in the context of this approach. Between the role of the Duke of Lorraine, who wished to influence the election, and the tensions within the Congregation of Saint-Vanne, Dom Calmet was nevertheless elected unanimously. The role of the vote was more to pacify a community than to express a democratic choice. The election has a spiritual dimension, being part of a highly codified process, and its result should be read in this light. Unanimity is the symbol of the unity of the religious and indicates that they remain the sole masters of their destiny whatever the case.
