Filosofický časopis (Aug 2023)
"Pozoroval jsem vnější tkáň ovčího jazyka…": čtrnáctá kniha Ducha zákonů ve světle iatromechanické teorie
The investigation of the influence of climate on humans is an integral part of political theory, for the study of laws must include all the factors that contribute to it. Montesquieu, who in his view of the human body follows the theses of iatromechanics, builds on medical teachings about “six non-natural things” in his theory of climate. The follow up to this theory shows that Montesquieu does not reduce thinking about the influence of external factors on the human body only to that of air and that the goal of physiological research is not a deterministic conception of politics, but to capture the multiplicity that human reason (and the legislator) must include in their decision-making.