Issledovaniâ i Praktika v Medicine (Sep 2018)
Modern approaches to the diagnosis of placental insufficiency according to cardiotocography
Purpose. The goal is to determine the real possibili es of assessing the fetal condi on in the ante- and intranatal periods according to the data of cardiotocography.Paents and methods. 73 pa ents with physiological pregnancy at 24-40 weeks were prospec vely examined. The prac cal signifi cance of the g6b plus General MEDITECH automated fetal monitor, which allows to determine the condi on of the mother and fetus at the same me, was evaluated.Results. The average blood pressure in the examined women was 127.2 ± 3.6 by 73.7 ± 2.3 mm. gt; pillars, pulse – 76 ± 1,5 beats/min. As for the contrac le capacity of the uterus, 47 (64,4%) pregnant women in 24–30 weeks. associated with diagnosis, and 19 (26%) – are harbingers of the forthcoming birth. The average SpO2 was 99.12 ± 0.11%. Regardless of the gesta onal age, in 7 (9.6%) pregnant women – 97%, 40 (54.8%) – 99% and 21 (28.8%) – 100%. In order to assess the fetal condi on by the nature of his heartbeat, we performed an automated CTG analysis according to W. Fisher, D. Redman, FIGO: according to W. Fisher, depending on the gesta onal age of 6–7 points, 12 (16.4%) pregnant women in 25–26 weeks and 9 (12.3%) – 40 weeks, which according to the ball scale corresponds to a suspicious type. The Doze–Redman criteria were met in 47 (64.4%) pregnant women and were not met – in 26 (35.6%). Interpreta on according to FIGO guidelines as normal was detected in 64 (87.7%) pregnant women and in 9 (12.3%) – doub ul. Depending on the period of pregnancy, this group consisted of the same 9 (12.3%) pregnant women in a period of 40 weeks.Conclusion. Automated analysis allows for the correla on between the main indicators of the well-being of the maternal organism (SpO2, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, ECG) and fetal CTG parameters (Fisher scale, Dowz Redman criteria and FIGO guidelines) to develop obstetric tac cs for each specifi c pa ent during pregnancy and childbirth.