Vojnotehnički Glasnik (May 2002)
Proračun elemenata padobranskih sistema / Calculation of the elements of parachuting systems
U radu su analizirane sile koje deluju na padobranski sistem pri njegovom aktiviranju na različitim visinama i brzinama leta. Najveća opterećenja javljaju se u momentu završetka procesa punjenja kupole padobrana vazduhom. Zbog toga se pri proračunima posebna pažnja posvećuje kupoli i elementima veze kupole sa ostalim elementima padobranskog sistema. Prikazana je metodologija proračuna padobranskih sistema bez kočećeg padobrana, kao i sa jednim ili više kočećih padobrana. / The study analyzes the forces affecting a parachuting system at the moment of its opening at different heights and flight velocities. The strain peak occurs at the moment when the filling of the parachute cupola with air is to be finished. Therefore, a special attention during calculations is paid to the cupola and the elements connecting it with the rest of the parachuting system. The study presents the calculation methodology for a parachuting system without a brake-parachute and for systems with one or more brake-parachutes.