Jurnal Tata Kelola Seni (Dec 2017)

Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Implementasi OVOP dalam Pengembangan IKM Gerabah di Kasongan

  • Aris Wahyudi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 16 – 30


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Penerapan One Village One Product (OVOP) di Indonesia mengadopsi OVOP di Jepang. Diinisiasi oleh Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia, OVOP merupakanpendekatan dalam mengembangkan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM), khususnya IKM bidang kerajinan, dengan produk unggulan tertentu termasuk di Kasongan dengan produk unggulan gerabah. Dengan mengacu pada keberhasilan OVOP di Jepang, penerapanOVOP di Kasongan tidak bisa lepas dari prinsip dasar OVOP. Penerapan OVOP diKasongan juga merupakan salah satu strategi pengembangan Klaster IKM Gerabah diKasongan melalui peningkatan daya saing sehingga efektivitas dan efisiensiimplementasinya harus dievaluasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis danmengevaluasi implementasi program OVOP di Kasongan yang selanjutnya dihasilkanrekomendasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menitikberatkan padametode triangulasi dalam menganalisis data. Metode pengumpulan data primer dilakukanmelalui wawancara semi terstruktur dengan narasumber baik dari unsur pengelola OVOPdi Kasongan dan unsur IKM Gerabah di Kasongan peserta program. Data hasil wawancaradireduksi ke dalam tabel dan kemudian dianalisis. Data sekunder berasal dari datadokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Dari analisis data ditemukan bahwa implementasi ProgramOVOP di Kasongan belum dilengkapi dengan buku petunjuk teknis OVOP dan sangatbergantung pada keberadaan seorang tokoh. Prinsip Local but Global, prinsip Self relianceand creativity, dan prinsip Human resource development yang seharusnya ada ternyatabelum sepenuhnya dilakukan. Dengan kata lain, implementasi Program OVOP diKasongan belum sesuai dengan prinsip dasar OVOP. Ketidaksesuaian ini menjadikanProgram OVOP belum efektif dan efisien sebagai sebuah strategi pengembangan IKMsebagaimana yang diharapkan oleh Kementerian Perindustrian. Dalam hal ini,implementasi Program OVOP di Kasongan belum efektif dan efisien dari aspek pencapaian tujuan, integrasi, dan adaptasi. The implementation of One Village One Product (OVOP) in Indonesia adopts OVOP in Japan. Initiated by Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, OVOP is the approach in developing Small and Medium Industries, particularly in the field of handicraft with certain featured product, including Kasongan with pottery as its featured product. By referring to the success of OVOP in Japan, the implementation of OVOP in Kasongan cannot be separated from the basic principles of OVOP. The implementation of OVOP in Kasongan is one of development strategies for cluster of Small and Medium Industries in the field of Pottery in Kasongan through the improvement of competitiveness, so effectiveness and efficiency of its implementation must be evaluated. This research aims to analyze and evaluate the implementation of OVOP program in Kasongan which then results in the recommendation. This research used the qualitative approach which focuses ontriangulation method in analyzing data. The method of primary data collection wasimplemented through a semi-structured interview with informants from the management ofOVOP in Kasongan and Small and Medium Industries of Pottery in Kasongan as theparticipants of program. The data of interview were reduced into table and analyzed. Thesecondary data are from documentation and literature review. From the data analysis, it isfound that the implementation of OVOP Program in Kasongan is not yet completed with thebook of technical instruction of OVOP and it highly depends on the existence of a figureThe principles of Local but Global, Self-reliance and creativity, and Human resourcedevelopment should exist, but they are not yet fully implemented. In other words, theimplementation of OVOP program in Kasongan is not yet in accordance with the basic principles of OVOP. This inconsistency makes OVOP Program ineffective and inefficient asa development strategy of Small and Medium Industries as expected by Ministry of IndustryIn this case, implementation of OVOP Program in Kasongan is not yet effective and efficientviewed from the aspects of goal achievement, integration, and adaptation.
