Онкогематология (Mar 2023)
New drug formulations of colony-stimulating factors in oncohematology
The use of colony-stimulating factors became an autonomous approach in complex supportive care of blood tumors. By indications of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) it is possible to reduce of neutropenic period, perform an optimal timing of therapy, decrease a number of infection complications. The development and active use of a new G-CSF drug formulation – pegfilgrastim do not decrease the duration of neutropenic period significantly, but reduced the frequency of drug administration, period of hospitalization and a probability of “ineffective” hematopoietic stem cell mobilization.In the current issue it is presented the results of modern studies, which demonstrate advantages of PEG-G-CSF in contrast to G-CSF, algorithm for febrile neutropenia risk assessment, the questions for G-CSF administrations in patients with blood tumors.