Discover Education (Sep 2024)
Perceived attitude of preservice teachers towards the integration of technology in teaching and learning college geometry: cases of two selected colleges of education in Ghana
Abstract Despite growing recognition of the value of using technology in mathematics instruction and learning, preservice teachers consistently performed abysmally in college geometry. This study therefore examined the attitude of preservice teachers towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of College Geometry. Quantitative descriptive survey was employed as the design for the study. The study drew on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) as the main theoretical framework. A sample of 185 preservice teacher participants offering college geometry from two Colleges of Education in the Central Region of Ghana were selected using multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected was analysed using mean, standard deviation, independent samples t-test and One-way ANOVA. The study found out that preservice teachers have high positive attitude towards the use of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry. There was no significant difference between the attitude of male and female preservice teachers towards the use of technology in the teaching and learning of geometric concepts. It was therefore recommended that technology should be used to teach college geometry in Colleges of Education.