Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych (Mar 2023)
Challenges and necessity of further research on adult professional education in polish-ukrainian cooperation
Currently, lifelong learning is one of the main components of the European social model of successful human existence. An important component of the education system throughout life is professional education of adults, which directly contributes to the formation of the professional basis of the personnel potential of the modern high-tech economy. The author of the article proves that the challenges faced by professional education of adults are due to the results of socio-economic transformations. In particular, it is about deep institutional changes, against the background of increased global competition, serious changes in the demographic situation, integration of the educational space, rapid development of the field of information technologies. Ukraine and Poland have long-standing common scientific interests. The expediency of their development has significantly increased recently. First of all, this concerns professional education of adults due to the requirements of the labor market, which itself changes rapidly, and therefore requires rapid adaptation to these changes from its subjects, due to changes in the demographic structure of both countries, migration processes etc.