Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Dec 2008)

跨語言資訊檢索中查詢問題特性於檢索效益之影響 Influences of Query Characteristics to Retrieval Performance in Cross-Language Information Retrieval

  • Kuang-Hua Chen,
  • Tien-An Wu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 46, no. 2
pp. 183 – 210


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本研究分別由查詢主題(Topic)的文本特性、語言特性,及欄位特性等三個面向,檢視第六屆NTCIR資訊檢索評估會議之跨語言檢索評估項目的資料,試 圖找出查詢主題特性對檢索效益之影響。研究結果發現查詢主題的文本特性僅有「主題類別」對檢索效益具影響力,涵蓋地域、時間空間明確性,條件敘述明確性及 數量等對檢索效益沒有顯著差異;語言特性方面,以韓文表現最佳,表示在CLIR機制中,選用不同語言的問題集與文件集對於檢索效益的確會造成影響;欄位特 性方面,本研究發現不論選用標題(Title)、簡短資訊需求(Description)、詳細資訊需求(Narrative)、相關概念 (Concepts)為索引來源,不會造成明顯檢索效益的差異,但部分欄位的檢索效益確實比較好;在研究團隊與欄位特性及語言特性的交互作用的檢定,本研 究發現研究團隊與檢索欄位在檢索效益上有交互作用,也就是說研究團隊的不同與檢索欄位的不同對檢索效益會造成影響,而在語言組合的選擇上則無明顯的交互作 用。This study investigated the influences of structured query on retrieval performance from textual, linguistic, and fielded characteristics. The search runs of NCTIR-6 CLIR Task have been used as the targeted data for this study. The results concluded that only subject out of other textual characteristics demonstrated significant effects on retrieval performance; linguistic characteristics showed great impacts on retrieval performance; fielded information did not show significant effects on retrieval performance but some fielded information performed better than others. This study also made clear that there existed interactions between fielded information in queries and participating teams (consequently the retrieval techniques used by these teams) but no significant interactions between linguistic characteristics and participating teams.
