EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2019)

The ALICE Analysis Framework for LHC Run 3

  • Berzano Dario,
  • Deckers Roel,
  • Grigoras¸ Costin,
  • Floris Michele,
  • Hristov Peter,
  • Krzewicki Mikolaj,
  • Zimmermann Markus

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 214
p. 05045


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The ALICE experimentatthe LHC (CERN)iscurrently developinganew software framework designed for Run3: detector and software will havetocope with Pb–Pb collision rates 100 times higher than today, leadingtothe combinationofcore Online-Offline operations intoasingle framework called O2. The analysis code is expectedtorunonafew large Analysis Facilities counting 20k cores and sustaining a 100 GB/s throughput: this requiresaconjoint effort between the definitionofthe data format, the configurationofthe Analysis Facilities and the developmentofthe Analysis Framework. Wepresent the prototypeofanew Analysis Object Data format basedontimeframes and optimized for continuous readout. Such formatisdesigned tobeextensible and transported efficiently over the network. Wealso present the first iterationofthe Analysis Framework, basedonthe O2 Data Processing Layer and leveraging message passing acrossatopologyofprocesses. Wewill also illustrate the implementation and benchmarkingofacompatibility layer designedtomitigate the transition from the current event-oriented analysis modeltothe new time-oriented one. Finally,wewill giveastatus reportonthe integrationofthe Analysis Framework and Analysis Facilities for Run3into the current organized analysis model in ALICE.