Journal of Medical Case Reports (Nov 2024)
Two cases of postpartum vaginal stenosis: a case report
Abstract Background Although vaginal stenosis following pelvic or vaginal radiotherapy for cancer treatment is a common complication, postpartum vaginal stenosis is a very rare obstetric complication. We report two cases of postpartum vaginal stenosis. Case presentation The first was case was a 30-year-old para-I Ethiopian woman who presented with a history of foul-smelling vaginal discharge on her 11th postpartum day. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a 1.4 cm distal vaginal stenosis. The second case was a 39-years-old para-II Ethiopian woman who presented with history of amenorrhea and dysparunia of 20 months duration. Abdominopelvic ultrasound examination revealed hematometrocolpos secondary to postinflammatory vaginal stenosis, and 3300 ml of hematocolpometra was drained. In both cases, adhesion excision with successful vaginal reconstruction was performed. Conclusion Postpartum vaginal stenosis is a rare obstetric complication and vaginal adhesions excision with regular vaginal dilation is the recommended management for it.