Вестник СибАДИ (Jan 2022)
Results of a study the efficiency of automobile climate systems in a hot climate
Introduction. The change of a winter season to a summer season is accompanied by a sharp increase in accidents on the roads; at the same time, the number of accidents is directly dependent on the air temperature. The reason for this is the adverse effects of high temperatures and solar activity, which create a “steam room” effect in the car interior.This article analyzes the thermal fields of the driver, who is in the car, in the hot season with different modes of compensation of the thermal effect. High temperatures can have a significant negative impact on the driver’s condition. This is due to the relevance of the issue under consideration.Materials and methods. In the work, the temperature and illumination were measured using an electronic TP101 thermometer and a Megeon-21550 luxmeter. Visualization of the thermal fields of the external and internal space of the car was made using a Testo 875 thermal imager. Upon completion of the survey of thermal fields, the data was processed using specialized software.Results. The main result of the work is the characteristic and distribution of the thermal fields of the driver, who is in the car, with an open window, with air conditioning and a climate control system in high ambient temperatures, which will allow to develop measures to improve the reliability of the driver and minimize accidents. These results represent the scientific novelty of the study.Discussion and conclusion. The application of the results of the work will make it possible to develop recommendations for complex motor transport enterprises on the organization of their technical and operational services, taking into account temperatures in the summer