Zbornik Radova: Geografski institut "Jovan Cvijić" (Jan 2010)
The classifications of atmospheric circulation
The classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns are a specific research area within synoptic climatology. In general, there are three main groups of classifications: subjective, mixed and objective. In methodological aspect, the recent tendencies are presented in full objectification of classification procedure by mathematical-statistical methods. The classifications of atmospheric circulation are very useful tools in climate change research; for reconstruction of the past climate, analysis of variability of the present climate and in the estimates of future climate. The practical application is to produce weather forecasts in meteorology and for more specific purpose e.g. analysis of air quality, wind atlas, the studies of human health. There are many scientific and operational applications of classifications circulation types, but there is a lack of researches who deal with this issue in scientific literature in Serbia. Only in recent years, there are a few papers that explore the correlation between the climate variability in Serbia and the features of circulation types. .