Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan (Nov 2018)
Menjadi ibu hebat untuk menurunkan penolakan ibu terhadap anak dengan gangguan spektrum autis (GSA)
Mother acceptance is an important factor in caring for children with autism. A mother that has a high acceptance is capable of developing a positive parenting skill and as a result the children are able to grow optimally. This research aimed to examine the psychoeducation to be a great mother to reduce the rejection towards children with autism. The participants were three mothers who have children with autism. Data collection used the parental acceptance-rejection scale (PARQ). The study design using the experimental quasi of one-group pretest-posttest. Data analysis was conducted through the Friedman Test. The result of statistical test with Friedman Test showed no significant difference between before and after the treatment, q = 1,000, and significance value 0,607 (p> 0.05).