Физика волновых процессов и радиотехнические системы (Nov 2021)
Antenna array with switching scanning in elevation plane
It is known that the most reliable communication in hard-to-reach places such as the Arctic, Tundra, Taiga is satellite communication [1-5]. Therefore, for satellite communications, it is necessary to develop your own antenna arrays. This article discusses a waveguide-slot antenna array with a Luneburg lens for a mobile satellite communications terminal, which provides a continuous and stable signal. This antenna operates in the 10.9 to 14.5 GHz frequency range. Possesses vertical polarization. The overall dimensions of the antenna array are: diameter of the diagram-forming lens 256 mm (thickness 5 mm, material – FLAN 2.8 (epsilon 2.8, tangent delta – 0.0015)); waveguide length 600 mm (internal section – 10.5 mm by 5 mm, filling – FLAN 2.8). Slotted waveguide antennas and lens are made of standard FLAN 2.8 material (epsilon 2.8, tangent delta – 0.0015) 5 mm thick, foiled on both sides. There are 17 coaxial cables to the HF switch (equal lengths are not required), the scanning step in elevation is 5 degrees. When using 54 waveguide-slot antennas and 18 switch inputs, a scanning sector in elevation of 90 degrees is provided. All the nodes were pre-modeled separately – a cylindrical Luneburg lens with suitable waveguides, excited by slits; slotted waveguide antennas; coaxial-waveguide transitions.