Infrastructures (Oct 2021)
Arbitrarily Oriented Phase Randomization of Design Ground Motions by Continuous Wavelets
For dynamic analysis in seismic design, selection of input ground motions is of huge importance. In the presented scheme, complex Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) is utilized to simulate stochastic ground motions from historical records of earthquakes with phase disturbance arbitrarily localized in time-frequency domain. The complex arguments of wavelet coefficients are determined as phase spectrum and an innovative formulation is constructed to improve computational efficiency of inverse wavelet transform with a pair of random complex arguments introduced and make more candidate wavelets available in the article. The proposed methodology is evaluated by numerical simulations on a two-degree-of-freedom system including spectral analysis and dynamic analysis with Shannon wavelet basis and Gabor wavelet basis. The result shows that the presented scheme enables time-frequency range of disturbance in time-frequency domain arbitrarily oriented and complex Shannon wavelet basis is verified as the optimal candidate mother wavelet for the procedure in case of frequency information maintenance with phase perturbation.