Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Dec 2013)

Estudios sobre Cine en Argentina. Consideraciones epistemológicas y metodológicas

  • María Belén Ciancio



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This text is a fragment of the first chapter of the thesis “Estudios sobre Cine en Argentina. Una perspectiva desde la articulación memoria-cuerpo-género (1983-2010)”, a research that investigates the formation of a new field of studies in Argentina, since the democratic transition until 2010. The main hypothesis proposes a critical analysis of the concepts of memory, body and gender as those that configure the different lines in a field that affirms itself structurally as interdisciplinary, as well as an analysis of the intersections and differences with other fields called generally as "studies" (cultural, visual, film...). This thesis does not expect to postulate the final boundaries and autonomy, but an analysis of the genealogical and epistemological conditions of production of the studied field, as well as a perspective with regard to dialogue with some versions of contemporary philosophy, Critical Theory and the thought of Gilles Deleuze, specifically regarding their film studies and the concept of memory which is proposed as articulator of the investigated field, from a critical perspective.
