Lingue Culture Mediazioni (Jul 2023)
Apprendimento digitale dell’italiano L2. Un approccio ludico
Digital Learning of Italian as a Foreign Language: A Playful Approach. Foreign language teaching has been more challenging than ever since the beginning of the Covid-19 health emergency. The transition from face-to-face to remote teaching has raised a series of problems for all stakeholders involved in foreign language teaching training, with particular reference to motivation and the management of the interaction between teachers and students, especially when it came to the assessment of skills acquired in this particular environment. The present contribution showcases a series of teaching activities and examples taken from a course of Italian as a second language, with a view to highlighting how digital tools and technologies can be leveraged with the aim of increasing interaction, involvement, and participation of learners, through a playful approach to task-based activities. A brief presentation of the methodological approach and the digital learning tools is complemented by authentic examples of activities that were implemented in the academic year 2020/21 at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milano.