Rekayasa Hijau: Jurnal Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan (Jul 2018)
Efisiensi Penyisihan Logam Fe Dengan Menggunakan Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi Compact (IPLC)
ABSTRAK Lindi berasal dari proses dekomposisi sampah yang mengandung materi tersuspensi, terlarut, dan terekstraksi, sehingga kandungan lindi sangat berbahaya. Pada penelitian ini akan diteliti logam Fe yang terdapat dalam lindi TPA Sarimukti serta parameter pendukung, seperti pH, suhu, DO, kekeruhan dan TSS. Pengolahan dilakukan dengan menggunakan reaktor Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi Compact (IPLC) secara semi kontinu dengan kombinasi antara anaerob dan aerob. Waktu detensi yang digunakan, yaitu 31,33 jam yang didapatkan dari tracer test. Proses seeding dan aklimatisasi dilakukan menggunakan bakteri fakultatif, dengan dua media lekat, yaitu kaldness dan bioball. Berdasarkan dari karakteristik awal didapatkan beberapa parameter yang tidak memenuhi baku mutu Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Tahun 2016 Tentang Baku Mutu Lindi Bagi Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah, yaitu BOD5 sebesar 1.071,55-1.593,29 mg/l, COD sebesar 4.800-6.400 mg/l dan TSS sebesar 470-556 mg/l. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, IPLC mampu menyisihkan Fe sebesar 53,87% dari konsentrasi awal. Kata kunci: Air Lindi, Logam Berat, IPL Compact, Sarimukti ABSTRACT Leachate originates from waste decomposition process which contains suspended, dissolved, and extracted material, so that leachate content is considered as hazardous. In this research, leachate was obtained from municipal solid waste (TPA) Sarimukti. Parameters to be studied is heavy metals Fe which contained in the leachate from TPA Sarimukti. In addition several supporting parameters, such as pH, temperature, DO, turbidity and TSS are studied. The treatment was carried out using a pilot plant scale reactor of Leachate Compact Processing Plant (IPLC), operated semi-continuously using biological, physical and chemical processing systems as well as anaerobic-aerobic configurations. The detention time used were 31,33 hours which was obtained from the tracer test. The seeding and acclimatization process was carried out using facultative bacteria, with two sticky media, caldness and bioball. Based on the results, IPLC was able to eliminate Fe by 53,87% from the initial concentration. Keywords: Leachate, Heavy Metal, IPL Compact, Sarimukti