Сучасні інформаційні системи (May 2021)

Diagnostics of secondary power supplies means of communication

  • Lev Sakovych,
  • Heorhii Krykhovetskyi,
  • Iurii Myroshnychenko,
  • Ivan Myroshnychenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 140 – 145


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The article discusses an approach to technical diagnostics of secondary power supplies for communication facilities. Diagnostics is carried out during the current repair. This takes into account the features of the object being diagnosed, which affect the process of searching for defects. The purpose of the article is to analyze possible options for the development of diagnostic support for secondary power supplies. This takes into account the metrological reliability of measuring equipment. The probability of correct diagnosis is also calculated when searching for defects during routine repairs. Practically implemented recommendations for ensuring the required values of the indicators of the maintainability of communication facilities are substantiated. The possibility and expediency of using effective methods for diagnostics of secondary power supplies of communication facilities, which consider the sources as objects with many inputs, are shown. This allows the design to take into account the requirements for the maintainability of the product. During routine repairs, the time needed to search for defects is minimized. This is done through a rational choice of diagnostic procedures. When choosing, design features and conditions for restoring performance are taken into account. The proposed block diagram of the algorithm for choosing a diagnostic option minimizes the average recovery time of an object. A specific example of using the results obtained in the development of a conditional diagnostic algorithm for the power supply unit of the exciter and the radio receiver of an average power radio station is given. It is advisable to use the results obtained in the development of diagnostic support for promising communication facilities or in the improvement of existing communication facilities without additional costs
