Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Dec 2008)
Potentialities of the ultrasonic examination by detection of the pain syndrome relapse causes in the late period of the disk herniation surgical treatment
Checkup of 63 patients with pain syndrome relapse in the late period of disk herniation surgery by posterior approach. Among them there were 38 women (60,3%) and 25 men (39,7%). Middle age (44,3 ± 1,1) years. Ultrasonic examination was carried on the ultrasound scanner «Sonoline-Elegka» («Siemens») with the multi — frequency sensor 2,5—5,0 megahertz. Ultrasonography displays in the late period of the disk herniation surgery in 65,1% cases disk herniation and protrusion, in 23,8% cases — the spinal canal stenosis, in 44,4% — radicular canals stenosis, in 46% cases — cicatrical epiduritis visualization. These pathologic alteration and combination of them are the main causes of the pain relapse in the late period of the disk herniation surgery.