Jornal de Pediatria (Aug 2001)

Estudo da freqüência de diabetes mellitus e intolerância à glicose em pacientes com fibrose cística Study of the frequency of diabetes mellitus and glucose intolerance in patients with cystic fibrosis

  • Flávia A.A. de Castro,
  • Maria I.M. Fernandes,
  • Renan M. Montenegro Júnior,
  • Milton C. Foss

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 77, no. 4
pp. 321 – 326


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a freqüência de diabetes mellitus (DM) e de intolerância à glicose nos pacientes com fibrose cística seguidos no Serviço de Gastropediatria do HC-FMRP-USP. MÉTODOS: foi realizado estudo analítico transversal de um grupo de 25 pacientes mucoviscidóticos do HC-FMRP-USP. Foram realizados testes orais de tolerância à glicose (OGTT) com determinação concomitante da glicemia e da insulinemia. Foram obtidas áreas sob as curvas da glicemia (G) e da insulinemia (I) e calculada a relação I/G, correlacionando-as com o tempo de doença clinicamente manifesta e função exócrina pancreática. RESULTADOS: cinco pacientes apresentaram alterações: um é diabético e quatro são intolerantes à glicose e/ou hiperinsulinêmicos. Há correlação direta entre a área sob a curva de insulinemia e o tempo de mucoviscidose. Verificou-se também relação inversa estatisticamente significativa entre a área sob a curva de insulinemia e o índice I/G com o número de cápsulas de enzima/kg/dia. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência de alterações na homeostase glicêmica nos mucoviscidóticos estudados é maior que na população em geral (20% da amostra total e 33% do grupo de pacientes com glicemia e insulinemia no OGTT). Assim, é importante a realização sistemática de testes de tolerância à glicose em mucoviscidóticos, visando à detecção precoce de anormalidades metabólicas para adequado tratamento.ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of diabetes mellitus and glucose intolerance in patients with cystic fibrosis treated at the Pediatric Gastroenterology Service of HC-FMRP-USP. METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on a group of 25 patients with mucoviscidosis who were followed up at HC-FMRP-USP. Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) were performed, with simultaneous determination of glycemia and insulinemia. Areas under the curve were obtained for glycemia (G) and insulinemia (I) and the I/G ratio was calculated and correlated with the duration of clinical manifestation and pancreatic exocrine function. RESULTS: Five patients presented alterations: one was diabetic and four had glucose intolerance and/or hyperinsulinemia. There was a direct correlation between the area under the curve for insulinemia and the duration of mucoviscidosis. A significant inverse correlation was also observed between the area under the curve for insulinemia and I/G ratio, and number of enzyme capsules/kg/day. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of alterations in glucose homeostasis observed in patients with mucoviscidosis was higher than in the population at large (20% of the total sample and 33% of the group of patients with glycemia and insulinemia on OGTT). Therefore, it is important that glucose tolerance tests be performed systematically in patients with mucoviscidosis so that metabolic abnormalities can be early detected, and proper treatment can be initiated.
