América Latina Hoy (Jan 2020)
Socioeconomic situation of adolescents involved in infractional acts in the state of Paraíba, Brazil
This article results from the research project «Violation of Rights and Social Vulnerability of Children, Adolescents and Families in the State of Paraíba and the Policies of Confrontation», involving 837 families, developed by the Group of Studies and Research on Children, Adolescents and Families (gepac/ufpb). It is a thematic clipping focused on the socioeconomic situation of 86 adolescents with infraction practices and who fulfilled socio-educational measures in an open environment or with deprivation of liberty, whose families are cared for in the 104 Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance (creas) in the State of Paraíba, located in the Brazilian Northeast region.