EaD & Tecnologias Digitais na Educação (Mar 2016)
Redes sociais virtuais, Blog, Wiki e MOOCS como parte de uma arquitetura pedagógica
This paper discusses some computerized learning environments, namely: virtual social networks, blogs, wikis and MOOCs, which can be used as pedagogical architectures and facilitators of the learning process. The theoretical dialogue had as a starting point introduce the concept of pedagogical architectures and their characteristics as well as some learning environments. On the other hand, the understanding of the term allowed ponder these environments as part of a pedagogical architecture. To this end, the work is based on literature review of current literature on the subject. It was concluded that the analyzed environments can be used as teaching architecture in the educational process by enabling the interaction between students and technologies, pedagogical mediation, collaborative work and development of critical and reflective thinking as well as the construction of a large web of learning.