Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi (Dec 2017)
«Latinitas polonice»: książka polska w monasterach bazyliańskich eparchii lwowskiej XVIII wieku
This article studies the significance of the Polish books in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the 18th century. During this century the number of the Polish, as well as Latin books were growing. A significant number of Polish books can be analyzed not only as latinisation or polonisation of Basilian monasteries, monks communities of the Eastern-Christian rite on the Ukrainian lands, but as „westernisation” as well. It means absorption of the contemporary Western (Latin) culture by the Polish mediation as the „latinitas polonice”. And it is verified in the most of Basilian monastery libraries of the Lviv eparchy of the 18th century.