Vaccine: X (Dec 2023)

Analysis of global routine immunisation coverage shows disruption and stagnation during the first two-years of the COVID-19 pandemic with tentative recovery in 2022

  • Beth Evans,
  • Olivia Keiser,
  • Laurent Kaiser,
  • Thibaut Jombart

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15
p. 100383


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Whilst it is now widely recognised that routine immunisation (RI) was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and further so in 2021, the extent of continued interruptions in 2022 and/or rebounds to previous trends remains unclear.We modelled country-specific RI trends using validated estimates of national coverage from the World Health Organisation and United Nation Children’s Fund for 182 countries (accounting for > 97% of children globally), to project expected diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis-containing vaccine first-dose (DTP1), third-dose (DTP3) and measles-containing vaccine first-dose (MCV1) coverage for 2020–2022 based on pre-pandemic trends (from 2000 to 2019).We provide further evidence of peak pandemic immunisation disruption in 2021, followed by tentative recovery in 2022. We report a 3.4% (95 %CI: [2.5%; 4.4%]) decline in global DTP3 coverage in 2021 compared to 2000–2019 trends, from an expected 89.8% to reported 86.4%. This coverage gap reduced to a 2.7% (95 %CI: [1.8%; 3.6%]) decline in 2022, with reported coverage rising to 87.2%. Similar results were seen for DTP1 and MCV1. Whilst partial rebounds are encouraging, global coverage decline translates to a 17-year setback in RI to 2005 levels, and the majority of countries retain coverage at or lower than pre-pandemic levels. The Americas, Africa, and Asia were the most impacted regions; and low- and middle-income countries the most affected income groups.The number of annual Zero Dose (ZD) children – indicating those receiving no immunisations – increased from 12.1 million (M) globally in 2019 to a peak of 16.7 M in 2021, then reduced to 13.1 M in 2022. Overall, we estimate an excess of 8.8 M ZD children cumulatively in 2020–2022 compared to pre-pandemic levels.This work can be used as an objective baseline to inform future interventions to prioritise and target interventions, and facilitate catch-up of growing populations of under- and un-immunised children.
